The Institute for Intangible Cultural Heritage (IPACIM) works for study, diffusion, conservation and revitalization of cultural heritage, particulary intangible cultural heritage.
To reach this aims, it promotes the collaboration between institutions, experts, NGOs, bearers, and any other social partner interested in the safeguarding of intangible cultural heritage.
Fia-faia and Foc de Nuet, traditional practices to celebrate winter solstice
Christmas is the Christian way of celebrating winter solstice, but there are in Catalonia (Spain) other living forms to celebrate…
La Fia-faia i el Foc de Nuet, pràctiques tradicionals per celebrar el solstici d’hivern
El Nadal és la forma cristiana de celebrar el solstici d’hivern, però a Catalunya també es mantenen vives altres maneres…
Patrimoni cultural immaterial i sostenibilitat: una nova eina de treball
Des de Finlàndia arriba una nova iniciativa per a promoure la salvaguarda del patrimoni cultural immaterial. Es tracta de la…